If only I could

Who would you like to talk to soon?

The prompt who would you like to talk to soon, almost immediately placed me in my feelings. Mostly because several of the key people I would love to be able to talk to are no longer alive. Namely, my mother, older sister and 3 of my dearest and best friends.

If only I could pick up the phone and discuss life with them. My mom would be asking me what meal I’d like prepared for a special brunch for me and my friends. She would be pushing me and encouraging me to be all that I can be as a mom and woman. My mom would be so happy to hear about all the things my daughter Jamiyah has been doing, although I like to think somehow she still knows. I’m thankful she at least got to meet her.

I’d like to call up my bestie Dion and have his wife make a chocolate cake as we laugh about how far life has brought us. He would be telling me what he’s about to buy my daughter just because he could. We’d be chuckling about the antics of the his grandkids and watching basketball game playoffs.

It sucks when you plan to grow old with friends and they aren’t given that opportunity. Like my other bestie HilakiYah, there’s so many books we would have been excited over. Movies to critique and biblical scriptures to philosophize over. My daughter didn’t get to experience her in her fullness.

There’s so many people I long to talk to but they are no longer here. So, l’ll talk to my daughter instead and share stories of those I loved and held near and dear to my heart. I’ll share pictures and memories to keep their legacies alive. And I’ll let her laughter cheer me up as she rambles about all things Pokémon, while I cherish this time talking with her.


Author: MYD-Dreams

Micaiah Yhisrael is an author out of Cincinnati, OH. with a variety of writing genre’s and interests. Her love for reading and writing grew and flourished at an early age. Micaiah is a nurse by trade and a writer at heart. She’s a multi-faceted individual and it shows in the variety of works she is involved in. Book subjects range from inspirational, motivational, children’s empowerment to urban fiction and beyond. Micaiah’s creative flow and energy is at work, creating thoughtful and provoking stories. She can be found on social media including: Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter as MYD_Dreams. You can also find her sharing her tidbits of wisdom, known as Micaiahism’s, on Facebook as: MY-D Dreams.

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