How much do you love you?

A lot of us are great at being honest with everyone but ourselves. We will scream and shout how much we love ourselves and refuse to settle when it comes to how someone else may treat us, but we forget to demand that same level from ourselves.

If you truly love yourself, you’ll work towards being the best version of yourself in every aspect of your life: physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally and financially.

How much love do you have for yourself if you aren’t working to be the healthiest version of you that you can be? We psych ourselves into believing we have to be in love with our fat selves and our thick thighs, but if that isn’t the healthiest version of you, how is it love? You can be comfortable in who you are, and still recognize your need for improvement.

You tell yourself you can’t be with anyone that has nothing to bring to the table, when your table is being held up by one leg made of bills and debts you owe. Yeah, you have a nice career, but you owe out more than you make. By refusing to get a handle on your debt not only are you not showing love to yourself, but you’re not showing love to the children to whom you’ll leave your debts instead of an inheritance.

We have to be honest with ourselves and admit when we don’t love ourselves as much as we should.

Self-reflection is necessary in order for there to be growth.

Love yourself enough to want the best for yourself and your family in all areas of your life.

If you feel like the blessings aren’t coming, maybe it’s because you need to rid your life of the cluttered chaos in it.

Take inventory and then make a list of steps you can take to clean up the areas in your life that do not represent the love you have for yourself.

Take it one step at a time and don’t be afraid to ask for help in areas where you need it.

You are most definitely worth your best efforts.

Remember love is an action word and that applies even more-so when it refers to how you truly show love for you!


Author: MYD-Dreams

Micaiah Yhisrael is an author out of Cincinnati, OH. with a variety of writing genre’s and interests. Her love for reading and writing grew and flourished at an early age. Micaiah is a nurse by trade and a writer at heart. She’s a multi-faceted individual and it shows in the variety of works she is involved in. Book subjects range from inspirational, motivational, children’s empowerment to urban fiction and beyond. Micaiah’s creative flow and energy is at work, creating thoughtful and provoking stories. She can be found on social media including: Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter as MYD_Dreams. You can also find her sharing her tidbits of wisdom, known as Micaiahism’s, on Facebook as: MY-D Dreams.

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